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The Auxiliary Yawl Mutin


At 8.2 A.M. the Berry Head coastguard reported a small sailing vessel two miles E.N.E,. from Berry Heed making S.O.S. signals, A W.N.W. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. The motor life-boat George Shee was launched at 8.15 A.M. She had a crew of only four. and she found the French built auxiliary yawl. Mutin, under Admiralty orders, with a crew of seven on board. She had hove to the night before on account of the gale, and a heavy sea had put her engine out of action. When the life-boat arrived the yawl had two anchors down. After the life-boat had stood by for about an hour, the yawl’s crew tried to weigh the anchors, and as they could not do it they slipped them. The lifeboat then took the yawl in tow, made for the shelter of the Torquay shore and eventually reached Brixham Inner Harbour at 12.15 PM. - No expense to Institution.