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The Armed Trawler Dungeness


At 3.25 A.M. a message was received from the Haisboro’ coastguard that a trawler was ashore near the Haisboro’ Gap. A light southerly breeze was blowing and there was a heavy ground swell. At 4.5 A.M. the No. 1 motor life-boat H. F. Bailey was launched, and found the armed trawler Dungeness ashore on Haisboro’ beach. The Dungeness had been attacked by enemy aeroplanes and her skipper had beached her to prevent her from sinking. Part of the crew had managed to land in a small boat. The life-boat took off the remaining eleven. She returned to her station at 8.15 A.M. Three days later, on 18th November, 1940, the No. 2 motor lifeboat Harriot Dixon was launched at 9 A.M.

at the request of the Admiralty salvage officer. He was engaged in salving the Dungeness, and wanted the life-boat to take pumps from the salvage vessel to the Dungeness. This the life-boat did. She then brought a steward ashore from the salvage vessel to buy stores for her crew, and took him and the stores out to the salvage vessel, returning to her station at 9 P.M. She was again launched on the 20th November, 1940, at the request of the salvage officer, to take off the pumps which she had put on board the Dungeness two days before. She then passed wire ropes from the salvage vessel to the Dungeness to help get her gun off her. The life-boat returned to her station at 5.45 P.M.On November 25th at. 7.30 A.M., the No. 1 motor life-boat made another trip to the Dungeness, at the request of the resident naval officer, who went with her. A light southerly wind was blowing, and the sea was smooth The life-boat salved some valuable gear, including the compass and a wireless set, and returned at 4 P.M. - Rewards Cromer No. 1 life-boat, the first launch on November 15th, £30 7s. The expenses of the two launches of the Cromer No. 2 life-boat and the second launch of the No. 1 life-boat were paid by the naval authorities..