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The Admiralty Trawlers Pyrope and Tamarisk

AUGUST 12TH. - MARGATE, KENT. At 11 A.M. the life-boat crew were at the Town Hall, where a picture of the evacuation of the B.E.F. from Dunkirk was being presented to them, when an an-raid alarm was sounded.

The crew made for the station at once and arrived just as the Admiralty trawlers Pyrope and Tamarisk were bombed and sunk about five miles to the N.E. A westerly breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth. At 11.15 A.M. the motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the station, was launched. She found survivors of the crews of both trawlers clinging to wreckage, and rescued twenty-seven men. Many of them were badly wounded, and one died soon after the life-boat reached shore at 1 P.M. The fishing boat Golden Spray had picked up one man, and the life-boat went out to her and brought the man ashore, finally returning to her station at 1.50 P.M. - Rewards, £5 12s. 6d.

(See Margate, “ Services by Shore-boats,” page 151.).