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The Admiralty Minesweeping Trawler New Comet

NOVEMBER 2 3RD. - CULLERCOATS, NORTHUMBERLAND. At 3.5 P.M. a telephone message came from the Tynemouth coastguard, asking for the crew to stand by.

A few minutes later the life-boat was directed to go to a position one and a half miles east of Tyne Piers. It was raining, with a moderate S.W. wind blowing and a moderate sea.

The motor life-boat Westmorland was launched at 3.10 P.M., and twenty minutes later found the Admiralty minesweeping trawler New Comet, with a crew of twenty.

She had been damaged by the explosion of a mine and was sinking. The life-boat stood by her for twenty minutes, then her crew decided to abandon her and the life-boat rescued them. Another minesweeper succeeded in taking the New Comet in tow and beached her. The life-boat returned to her station at 5.35 P.M. The Admiralty sent its thanks for this service and the R.N. captain of the trawler base at North Shields sent £5 in gratitude for the rescue. - Rewards, £19 13s. 3d..