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Summity and Gronland

JULY 25TH. - DOVER, KENT. A 3.10 P.M. the Sandgate coastguard reported that a vessel which had been attacked by German aeroplanes was sinking off Sandgate, but said that naval motor boats were going to her help. At 3.30 P.M. it was reported that the motor vessel Summity, of London, had been beached near Shakespeare Cliff and needed medical aid. A light W.S.W. wind was blowing, with a slight sea. With a naval surgeon on board, the motor life-boat Agnes Cross, on temporary duty at the station, put out at 4 P.M. She found that wounded man had already been landed inthe ship’s boat, but she rescued the remaining seven members of the crew. When returning to Dover she went alongside another steamer, the Gronland, which had a man wounded.

The naval surgeon went aboard, and then the wounded man was transferred to the life-boat, which landed him and the seven rescued men at Dover at 5.45 P.M. - Partly paid permanent crew ; rewards, £3 16s.