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Success and Provider


The fishing fleet was out and all the boats had returned by 1 P.M. with the exception of two, Success and Provider. A strong E.N.E. wind was blowing, with seas breaking three-quarters of a mile outside the harbour entrance. The Success was sighted at 3 P.M. making for the harbour.

As the weather was getting worse, the No. 1 motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 3.15 P.M. to her help and escorted her into harbour, arriving a t 3.45 P.M. It was then found that the Provider had transferred her catch of fish and two of her crew to the Success, and had been prevented from returning herself owing to trouble with her fishing lines. The life-boat went to sea again, searched for the Provider without result, and returned to harbour at 4.30 P.M. There she was moored at the Fish Quay, ready to put out again. About 7 P.M. news was received that the Provider had passed Kettleness Point and was coming south. The life-boat put off again, escorted her safely into harbour, and returned to her station at 7.45 P.M. - Rewards, £15 15s. 9d.