Advanced search

S.S. Lisbon, H.M.S. Advance and Abeille

OCTOBER 30TH. - ABERDEEN. A 6.40 A.M. a message was received that the S.S. Lisbon had been torpedoed, and the lifeboat crew was asked to stand by. At 7.42 the No. 1 motor life-boat Emma Constance put out at 7.42 A.M., but she was asked to wait. A moderate to strong S.E. by S. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. Then at 8.20 A.M. the naval officer in charge asked the life-boat to go in search of H.M.S. Advance, the examination steamer. She found her at 9.5 A.M., and then was given instructions to intercept the tug Abeille.

The life-boat tried, but without success owing to the severe weather and the tug’s speed. She then went back to the Advance and was asked by her to return to Aberdeen with the message that the Advance was in a perilous position, that one cable had parted, that she was now riding on one anchor, and that though her engines were going full speed ahead, she could make no headway, and that she wanted a tug sent out to her immediately.

This message the life-boat took and reached Aberdeen at 10.37 A.M. - Rewards, £7 16s.