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S.S. Ila

JANUARY 21ST. - RAMSGATE, KENT At 4 P.M. news was received that a Nor-wegian steamer was ashore near the North Goodwin Light-vessel and that the naval authorities were sending a tug to investigate.

A second message from the coastguard said that the light-vessel had reported the conbe tinuous firing of rockets to the south. At 6.47 P.M. the motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood, on temporary duty at Ramsgate, was launched, and found the S.S. Ila, of Trondhjem, aground and listed heavily to starboard. There was a confused sea, a strong wind was blowing with heavy squalls, and there was almost continuous harsnow.

It was too dangerous to attempt to get alongside at once, and the life-boat stood off until the tide turned. Then she went in and rescued the crew of eighteen, shipping large quantities of water the while. She returned to her station at 9 A.M. the next day.

- Rewards, £19 7s. 3d..