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Services by Life-boats

During the year life-boats were launched 1,081 times. Of these launches 640 were to vessels and aeroplanes in distress through attack by the enemy or from other causes due to the war.

The Record Month by Month 1940 January February March April May June July August September O c t o b e r November December 52 67 Totals . 1081 2056 90 289 Number of Life-boat Launches 143 114 87 53 70 113 64 96 121 101 Lives Rescued by Life-boats Vessels which Life-boats Saved or Helped to Save Lives Rescued by Shore-boats 383 5 31 390 8 4 109 8 79 40 5 16 33 5 15 178 7 16 49 12 9 119 12 17 62 5 35 231 3 8 170 13 41 292 7 18 1.