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JUNE 20TH. - DUNGENESS, KENT. At 2.55 A.M. information was received from the Dover naval authorities that a torpedoed steamer was lying helpless two miles east of D u n g e n e s s . A f r e s h E . N . E . w i n d w a s blowing, with a choppy sea. At 3.15 A.M.

the motor life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson was launched and found the steamer Roseburn, of West Hartlepool, bound with wood from Canada to London, sinking slowly.

Some of her crew, who were in a ship’s boat, were taken into the life-boat. Another of the steamer’s boats was missing, but this was found later to have been picked up by an Admiralty drifter and taken to Dover. A tug attempted to tow the Roseburn to Dover, but she had to be beached at Dengemarsh and the life-boat remained alongside. She landed an injured man, and at 1.30 P.M. put nine more of the steamer’s crew ashore. As a tug had arrived and was standing by the stranded steamer, which still had some of her crew on board, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 2 P.M. - Rewards, £30 12s..