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AUGUST 12TH. - MARGATE, KENT At 5.50 P.M. during an air-raid the police telephoned the life-boat coxswain that a man had come down in the sea by parachute two miles off Epple Bay. A S.W. breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth. The motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the station, was launched, and found that a tender from the pilot-cutter Prudence had picked up a badly injured British pilot. His injuries were dressed by those on the cutter and he was then landed by the life-boat, which arrived at 7.10 P.M. A doctor and ambulance were waiting for him. A few minutes later the Air Command reported another man down by parachute one mile N.E. of Margate, but though the life-boat searched until dark she found nothing. She returned at 9.15 P.M. - Rewards, £14 3s. 6d..