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P.L.M. 25

MARCH 1ST. - WELLS, NORFOLK. At 12.55 P.M. the coastguard reported a ship’s boat adrift about two miles N.N.W. of their lookout. A moderate easterly wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Royal Silver Jubilee 1910-1935, was launched at 1.15 P.M. and found the boat with no one on board. She belonged to the French steamer P.L.M. 25, of Rouen, which had sunk as a result of enemy action. There were two explosions, and twenty minutes later the steamer sank. Four men lost their lives, but the remaining twenty-seven were saved by a British warship. With the boat in tow the life-boat reached her station again at 2.45 P.M. - Rewards, £11 13s. 3d..