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Persevere and the Golden Spray

AUGUST 28TH. - MARGATE, KENT. At mid-day, during an air battle over the sea, a German bomber was seen to crash about three miles E.N.E. of the life-boathouse.

The sea was smooth, with a light easterly wind. The motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 12.5 P.M. The coxswain was out fishing, and the second-coxswain was in charge. Mr. A. C. Robinson, the honorary secretary of the station, went, with the boat.

She found that two fishing boats, the Persevere and the Golden Spray - on board one of which was the life-boat coxswain - had picked up four German airmen, some of them injured. The life-boat took them on board, and her crew attended to the injured men. She arrived back at, her station at 1.40 P.M. - Rewards, £5.

(See Margate, “ Services by Shore-boats “, page 151.).