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O. A. Brodin


At 6.10 A.M. a message was receivedfrom the coastguard that the Swedish steamer O. A. Brodin, of Stockholm, had gone ashore north of St. Bees. There was dense fog, with a smooth sea. At 10 A.M. the motor life-boat Joseph Braithwaite was launched and found the steamer a mile north of St. Bees.

She was fast by the head, but was on an even keel. A tug was expected. The coxswain of the life-boat went on board the steamer, and found that she had been badly holed.

With the help of the coasting steamer Dromaine the life-boat refloated the O. A.

Brodin, and the coxswain brought her in under her own power, and anchored her in Whitehaven Roads. The life-boat then brought the captain of the steamer ashore, so that he could communicate with the insurance brokers. She then went to Workington where her crew landed. At 9.45 P.M., when they were returning to the life-boat, and were crossing the harbour bridge, the secondcoxswain missed his footing in the darkness and fell fifty feet into the River Derwent beneath. Fortunately no bones were broken, but he was bruised and suffered badly from shock. He was taken to his home at Maryport by taxi. The life-boat left Workington and reached her station at 12.30 A.M. the next morning, where the Ladies’ Auxiliary Red Cross kindly provided hot soup and sandwiches for the crew and helpers. - Rewards, £31 17s..