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JUNE 23RD. - ST. PETER PORT, GUERNSEY. At 1 P.M. the harbour master telephoned to the coxswain asking for the lifeboat to go to Alderney to take off six people, two of whom were injured and would have to travel on stretchers. This was a part of the general evacuation of people from Alderney when, after the fall of France. it was impossible to defend the Channel Islands against attack by Germany. The weather was fine, with a moderate N.E. wind, but there was a rough sea in the tideways. At 1.45 P.M. the reserve motor life-boat, Alfred and Clara Heath, on temporary duty at the station. was launched, and reached Alderney at 6 P.M. She left again with the six people at 11.15 P.M., but the sea was so rough that she had to return to Alderney, arriving half an hour after midnight. At 3.45 in the morning she set out again and reached St. Peter Port at 7 A.M. The Rewards, amounting to £11 3s., were not paid at the time, for the Germans occupied the Channel Islands a few days later, and the Institution’s cheque was returned by the Post Office. A new cheque was sent in 1945.