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Montauban (1)

JANUARY 9TH. - REDCAR, YORKSHIRE, AND HARTLEPOOL, DURHAM. At about 5 A.M. information was received through the Cullercoats Wireless Station that a vessel was in distress. The weather was calm and fine, but cold. The motor life-boat Louisa Polden was launched at 5.45 A.M., with Captain E.

Combes, the honorary superintendent, on board. She found the steamer Montauban, of Nantes, on the Salt Scar Rocks. The steamer was of’ 2,500 tons, she had a crew of thirtynine, and was bound in convoy, laden with coal, from Newcastle to Marseilles. In two trips the life-boat rescued thirty-five of the crew, who were taken from the life-boat to the shore by the motor boat Supreme. The captain and three others remained on board the Montauban, and the life-boat. stood by until about 3 P.M. when they too decided to abandon her. The life-boat, took them off and returned to her station at about 5 P.M., after being out over eleven hours. The Montauban was expected to become a total wreck.

At Hartlepool a message had been received from the coastguard that a vessel was ashore on the sands north of Hartlepool, and at 5.25 A.M. the motor life-boat The Princess Royal (Civil Service No. 7) was launched.

Later it was found that the vessel was on the Salt Scar Rocks, near Redcar, and as the Redcar life-boat had gone out, and did not need help, the Hartlepool life-boat was recalled, and returned to her station at 7 A.M. Additional rewards were rnade to the Redcar crew. - Rewards : standard rewards to Redcar crew and helpers, £13 9s. 3d. ; additional rewards to crew and helpers. £4 8s. 9d. ; total rewards, £17 18s.

Hartlepool rewards, £9 18s.

(See Redcar “ Services by Shore-boats.” page 142.).