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Lydia Eva


The steam trawler Lydia Eva, which was acting as a tender to the R.A.F., was seen to be dragging her anchors towards a lee shore An ensign knotted in the tail was seen hoisted, which was taken to conbe a call for help. A strong southerly gale was blowing, with snow squalls, and the sea was rough. At 2.55 P.M. the motor life-boat William Macpherson was launched, and reached the trawler when she was a quarter of a mile east of the harbour entrance. In the rough seas it was impossible to take off her crew, so the trawler slipped her cables and, escorted by .the life-boat, got into harsnow.

bour under her own power. The life-boat returned to her station at 3.45 P.M. A letter of thanks was received from the owners.

- Rewards, £7 16s. 6d..