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Lulonga, S.S. Broadhurst and the S.S. London Trader

JULY 26TH. - SHOREHAM HARBOUR, SUSSEX. At about 7.30 A.M. a message was received from the resident naval officer that the steamer Lulonga had been torpedoed.

A moderate S.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. With an armed guard aboard, the motor life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched at 8.5 A.M., and from vessels which had safely come to anchor learnt the position where a convoy had been attacked. She made for this position, and when about seven miles W.S.W. of Shoreham, found a boat with thirteen survivors from S.S. Broadhurst, of London. She took them on board, went on and found another boat belonging to the S.S. London Trader. This steamer also had been torpedoed and twelve survivors from her crew were in the boat.

As some of the rescued men were injured. the life-boat searched no further but made for harbour, arriving at 10.50 A.M. Half an hour later she put out again, but found no more survivors, and it was learnt later that survivors from the Lulonga had been picked up by other boats and taken to Littlehampton.

- Rewards, £10 5s..