Advanced search

Louis Marguerite and the S.S. Miervaldis


At 2.45 P.M. the coastguard reported that the French steamer Louis Marguerite was in need of help ten miles S.W. of Penzance. A strong S.W. wind was blowing, with a rough sea and thick fog. The reserve motor lifeboat B.A.S.P., on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 3.5 P.M. On her way to the help of the Louis Marguerite, she found the S.S. Miervaldis, of Riga, making straight for the rocks near Penzer Point.

She directed the Captain to go full speed astern, and he just managed to clear the rocks. The life-boat then searched for the Louis Marguerite but could not find her. She put into Newlyn at 11.15 P.M., re-fuelled and continued the search until 7.30 next morning, but again found nothing. It was learnt later that the steamer had safely reached a port.

The lifeboat put into Newlyn again and returned to her station on 19th March.- Rewards, £31 1s. 9d..