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Light-Vessel No. 85


At about 4.30 in the afternoon the coastguard reported that Light-vessel No. 85 was being attacked by enemy aeroplanes. The No. 1 Cromer motor life-boat H. F. Bailey was launched at 4.50 P.M. She reached the light-vessel at 7.45 P.M. No one on board her had been injured, but the crew’s nerves had been badly shaken, especially as the German aeroplane had sunk a trawler with all hands about three miles away. Two of the lightvessel's crew collapsed while the life-boat was alongside, and they, and one other man, were landed by the life-boat, which got back to her station at 3.30 A.M. on the 13th January. A framed letter of appreciation was sent to the Cromer station commending the crew for their services on this occasion and on the previous day. - Rewards, £33 1s. 6d..