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H.M. Trawler Hero


At about 8.20 A.M. information was received through the coastguard from the naval authorities that H.M. trawler Hero was aground north of the South Goodwin Lightvessel.

A strong easterly breeze was blowing, with a rough sea. The motor life-boat Prudential put out at 8.51 A.M., found the trawler and told her master that a tug would be sent. She put her second-coxswain on board, and remained alongside. The tide was rising, and about midday, the trawler, by using her engines, managed to shift a little, but her cable parted and she continued to knock in over the sand with the tide and sea.

About 12.45 P.M the Dover tug Lady Curzon arrived, but she could not get close enough to do anything until the tide rose higher. The trawler then started her engines again, but stopped when she found that her propeller had gone. Then, as the tide rose, she floated off and the tug towed her to Dover. The life-boat returned to her station at 3.25 P.M.

The naval officer in charge at Ramsgate expressed appreciation of the services rendered,rendered, saying: “ The dangers of the sea normally met with in life-saving operations are nowadays complicated by the risk from enemy planes overhead as you and your crew well know after your experience at Dunkirk.” - Rewards, £6 17s. 6d.