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H.M. Trawler Epine and the S.S. Waterloo

JULY 10TH. - GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON. NORFOLK. At about 4.15 P.M. the naval authorities asked the life-boat to go out to a trawler which was coming into the roadstead with survivors, some injured, from a vessel which had been sunk by enemy action. A light S.E. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at 4.35 P.M. with a doctor and ambulance men on board. On her way the life-boat was signalled by one of H.M. sloops and asked to pick up her pinnace, which, with six men on board, was drifting with her engine broken down. This the life-boat did. and towed the pinnace to the sloop. She then saw H.M. trawler Epine coming in, with two boats in tow, went alongside and took on board twenty survivors from the S.S. Waterloo.

Among them was a man with fractured legs.

The twenty men were landed and the lifeboat was moored afloat ready for service at 6.20 P.M. Later a signal was received from the captain of the sloop thanking the lifeboat crew for their services to his pinnace.

- Rewards, £3 8s. 6d..