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H.M. M.V. Platypus


At 10 P.M. news was received that a small unknown vessel was ashore about the middle of the East Scar Rocks. It was low tide, and at 11 o’clock one of the crew walked ashore and gave the information that the vessel was H.M. m.v. Platypus, and that she was lying on the rocks on her starboard bilge, but he could not say whether or not she was damaged. It was decided that the motor life-boat Louisa Polden should be launched, in case the Platypus refloated on the rising tide and needed help, and she put out at 12.40 A.M. A fresh S.W. breeze was blowing, but the sea was smooth. At 3 A.M. the Platypus refloated. Her compass was out of order and, at her request, the life-boat piloted her to West Hartlepool, returning to her station at 6 A.M. - Rewards, £19 3s. 6d.