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FEBRUARY 6TH. - AITH, SHETLANDS. At 8 A.M. the coastguard reported that a vessel was ashore on Forewick Holm, Papa Stour.

A moderate southerly gale was blowing, with a rough and increasing sea, and it was snowing. The motor life-boat The Rankin was launched at 8.20 A.M., and at 10 A.M.

reached the vessel. She was the Highcliffe, of South Shields, of 3,847 tons, bound from Narvik to Methil. She had a crew of 35 The life-boat stood by until 2 P.M. when the master of the Highcliffe decided that part of her crew should abandon ship. The life-boat took 28 of them on board and returned to Aith, leaving the master and six officers on board to wait the arrival of salvage surveyors.

As soon as she had landed the 28 men the life-boat returned to the Highcliffe and stood by her for the remainder of the day and through the following night. By noon next day, the 7th, the water-tight compartments of the Highcliffe were giving way, and an hour later the master decided to abandon ship. The life-boat rescued him and his his officers and landed them at Aith at three in the afternoon. She had then been on service for 31 hours in severe weather. The steamer became a total wreck. An increase of £2 on the usual money awards on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew. Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £27 11s. 6d. ; additional rewards to crew, £16 ; total rewards, £43 11s. 6d. The owners made a donation to the Institution of £20..