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Greystone and Lady Connaught

DECEMBER 27TH. - NEW BRIGHTON, CHESHIRE. At 1.10 A.M. the Hoylake coastguard reported that a vessel had been mined ten miles N.W. of the Bar Lightvessel, and the No. 1 motor life-boat William and Kate Johnston put out. There was a light northerly breeze and the sea was smooth.

The life-boat made for the Bar Light-vessel, and then set a N.W. course. After about three-quarters of an hour she saw lights and spoke a vessel, the Galatea. From her she was passed on to another vessel, the Greystone, and found her taking off passengers from the steamer Lady Connaught, of Dublin, which had been mined. She offered to take them, but there were too many, so it was decided that the Greystone should take them to Liverpool and that the life-boat should follow close by in case the Greystone should strike a mine. The life-boat escorted the Greystone past New Brighton and then returned to her station at 8.45 A.M. Later the Lady Connaught herself was towed into Liverpool.

- Rewards, £18 2s. 6d..