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NOVEMBER 19TH. - WALTON AND FRINTON, ESSEX. At 10.10 A.M. a message was received from the coastguard that a vessel near the N.E. Swin Lightship had been attacked by German aeroplanes.

A light S.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 11 A.M. the motor life-boat E.M.E.D. was launched and went to the N.E. Gunfleet. Here she spoke a patrol boat, which had six wounded and one dead man on board, all belonging to a steamer which had been bombed and machine-gunned.

Continuing on her way, the life-boat found the steamer, the Folda, of Leith, for which she was in search. The steamer’s steering gear and engines had been damaged, and the master asked the life-boat to stand by until the arrival of a tug. The tug took her in tow and the life-boat escorted them to the entrance of Harwich Harbour. There she was given a message from the examination vessel in the harbour that a British aeroplane was reported to have crashed near the Naze.

The life-boat went off at once to search, but found nothing and returned to her station at 7 P.M. - Rewards, £15 13s.