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Fairplay I

APRIL 10TH. - RAMSGATE, KENT. At about 6.50 P.M. the naval authorities reported that a tug was ashore on the North GoodwinSands. A strong N.N.E. breeze was blowing and the sea was rough. The motor life-boat Prudential was launched at 7.5 P.M., and found the steam tug Fairplay I ashore, with heavy seas breaking over her. Letting go her anchor the life-boat veered down to the tug, but the captain refused to leave her.

As night was approaching and the coxswain considered his own position dangerous, the life-boat moved to deeper water, after the crew of the tug had again declined to abandon their vessel. Two hours later the tug burned flares and the life-boat again closed in. The tug was now lying with a heavy list to port There was not enough water, and the life-boat, after shipping two heavy seas, struck the sands heavily She also struck the tug and was damaged Telling the crew of the tug that she would come in again on the rising tide the life-boat drew near: with some difficulty, and awaited daylight At daybreak the Fairplay said that she would probably float at high water, but that her engine was disabled. Tugs came to her help and she was refloated and towed in. The life-boat returned to her station at 7.50 A.M. after twelve hours on service An increase in the usual money awards on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew.- Standard rewards : £12 19s. 6d. ; additional rewards to crew, £9 ; total rewards, £21 19s 6d..