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Eros and the Escort Vessel Challenger

NOVEMBER 3RD. - FRASERBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. At 7 P.M. a message was received from the Kinnaird Head coastguard that a wireless call for help had been received by way of the R.A.F. Station at Rosehearty. The life-boat crew were assembled and stood by waiting for further information until 8.20 P . M . Then a message was received that the naval authorities at Peterhead were dealing with the call.

About 9.20 P.M. another message came, this time from the Fraserburgh coastguard, that a large vessel needed help about eight miles to the north east. At 9.43 P.M.

the motor lifeboat John and Charles Kennedy was launched. A light S.S.W. breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth. The lifeboat found the steamer Eros, of Belfast, with the escort vessel Challenger standing by her.

The Eros had been attacked by enemy aeroplanes and an aerial torpedo had hit her in the engine-room. Two of her crew had been killed. Twenty-six of the crew had already been taken on board the Challenger, and the remaining seventeen were taken off by the life-boat and transferred to the Challenger.

The life-boat then helped to get a tow rope between the two vessels, and stood by until the C h a l l e n g e r started to tow. At the Challenger’s request she returned to Aberdeen and reported to the naval authorities that the Eros was being towed south, close inshore.

Eventually the Challenger brought her safely in. The life-boat returned to her station at 1.15 A.M. the next morning. - Rewards, £16 19s. 6d..