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Ernani , H.M.S. Holdfast and Steamer Premuda


At 7 P.M. a message was received from the Ramsgate coastguard that the Italian steamer Ernani had collided with the Brake Light-vessel, and that the light-vessel was in danger of sinking. At 7.40 P . M . the motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood, on temporary service at Ramsgate, was launched. A fresh N.E. gale was blowing, with a rough sea. As the life-boat was rounding the pier-head a naval signalman hailed her and told her to go to H.M.S.

Holdfast, which had survivors from the light-vessel on board. A light, the signalman said, would be shown to guide her.

No light, however, could be seen, so the lifeboat made for the light-vessel, and found her still afloat. The life-boat hailed her, but got no reply. She turned her searchlight on her, but could see no one. She searched the neighbourhood and could find nothing, so she returned to harbour for further instructions.

She was given the exact position of H.M.S. Holdfast, and a signal was made to the Holdfast asking her to show a guiding light.

Then, however, it was decided that the lifeboat should wait for day, as it was feared that the risk of transferring the men to her from the Holdfast, in the darkness and heavy seas, would be too great. The life-boat returned to her station at 9.45 P.M. There, she learned that, while she had been out, messages had come from the coastguard that another Italian steamer, Premuda, was in distress near the North Goodwin Buoy. As is described in the next account, she went out to the help of this vessel, but found that the Margate and Walmer life-boats were coming out on the same errand. lt was then eight o’clock on the morning of the 17th. H.M.S.

Goodwin then came up and told the life-boat to go to H.M.S. Holdfast. On board her were seven survivors of the light-vessel.

The life-boat took them off and landed them at Ramsgate. Meanwhile a Trinity House tender had gone to the light-vessel and found that she was still afloat and was not going to sink. When this had been reported, the Ramsgate life-boat was asked to take the survivors out either to the tender or the light-vessel and, after supplies of petrol had been got from the naval authorities, she set out again at 12.43 P.M., took the men to the light-vessel and returned to Ramsgate at 1.54 P.M. The Superintendent of Trinity House sent his thanks to the lifeboat, and a donation towards the expenses was received from Trinity House. - Rewards, £15 9s. and £21 14s. 3d..