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Edith May


At 6.30 P.M. the Wyke Regis coastguard reported that a motor boat was drifting about a mile off Wyke. A moderate S.E. breeze was blowing, with a very heavy swell. Themotor life-boat William and Clara Ryland was launched at 7.15 P.M. and came up with the motor boat three and a half miles N.W.

of Portland Bill. She was the Edith May, of Weymouth, with a man and boy on board.

Her engine had broken down, and had not the life-boat arrived when she did the Edith May would have been driven ashore, with the almost certain loss of her crew, for the swell was breaking with tremendous force on Chesil Beach. The life-boat was just in time to rescue the man and boy, and with their boat in tow, she reached her station again at 10.50 P.M. - Rewards, £7 10s..