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Crewhill and Osage

DECEMBER 18TH. - ROSSLARE HARBOUR, CO. WEXFORD. At 4.20 P.M. the steamer Crewhill, of Belfast, was seen to be approaching and to be signalling for the life-boat, and at 4.30 P.M. the motor life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson was launched. A strong westerly wind was blowing, with a choppy sea.

The life-boat went alongside the Crewhill, and found that she had on board twenty-one members of the crew of the tanker Osage, of London, three of them wounded. The Osage had been attacked and sunk by German aeroplanes when near Arklow Light-vessel.

The life-boat took the twenty-one men on board, and on her way back sent a wireless message to the Irish Lights Commissioners, asking that a doctor should be waiting at the pier, where the wounded men would be landed. They were then taken by ambulance to Wexford Hospital, and the life-boat returned to her station at 5.30 P .M. - Partly permanent paid crew. Rewards, £3 12s. 6d.