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OCTOBER 20TH. - ABERDEEN . A t 8.15 P.M. the Gregness coastguard reported that a steamer had been torpedoed nine miles off. An E.S.E. breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea. The No. 1 motor life-boat Emma Constance was launched at 8.50 P.M. and met a destroyer which had on board twenty-nine survivors of the steamer’s crew.

The steamer was the Conakrian, of Freetown.

The destroyer asked the life-boat to stand by, while a tug was on its way from Peterhead.

This she did, and about 1.30 A.M. in the morning the tug arrived and took the Conakrian in tow. Guided by the life-boat she reached harbour at 3.55 A.M. on the 21st.

On the following day, at 4.30 in the morning, the life-boat was asked by the naval authorities to go out to the Conakrian as she lay at anchor and bring ashore a naval officer and a signalman as the weather was too heavy for ordinary boats. This the life-boat did.- Rewards : 1st launch, £16 9s. ; 2nd launch, £11 14s. 9d.