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City of Marseilles

JANUARY 6TH. - BROUGHTY FERRY, ANGUS. At 11.6 A.M. a message was received from the Carnoustie coastguard that the twin-screw steamer City of Marseilles, of Glasgow, of 8,300 tons, bound from Calcutta to Dundee, had been mined off the Fairway Buoy. A light, variable breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 11.23 A.M. the motor life-boat Mona was launched and found that, just before the steamer had struck the mine, a pilot cutter had put a pilot aboard her. She was only about 50 yards away when the explosion took place, and picked up all the steamer’s crew of one hundred and sixty-three with the exception of one man who had been killed. Thirteen were injured. The life-boat met the cutter returning with the rescued men. Some were on board her, and the remainder in the ship’s boats which she had in tow. The master of the City of Marseilles asked the life-boat to put him and his officers back on their ship again. This the life-boat did, the steamerbeing then three and a half miles S.E. of Abertay Lightship. The life-boat stood by until 2.40 P.M. A mine-sweeper was then standing by and the life-boat returned to her station at 4.15 P.M. The following morning, an attempt was made to tow the steamer up river to Dundee, and at 8.20 A.M., at the request of the Harbour Master, the life-boat was again launched to help. At Broughty Ferry Pier she took on board fifteen of the steamer’s crew, and transferred them to their ship, and then stood by until the City of Marseilles had been brought safely in. She returned to her station at 12.45 P.M . - Rewards, £13 4s.