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At 1.41 P.M. a message was received from the coastguard that the Norwegian steamer Belpariel, of Oslo, was in need ofhelp. A strong S.E. wind was blowing, with a rough sea. Visibility was bad. At 2 P.M .the motor life-boat John R. Webb was launched, and found the steamer fast on the rocks in Drinkem Bay, Caldy Island. The captain would not let the crew leave, and the life-boat returned to her station at 3 P.M.

The next day, Sunday, it was found that the crew had left the steamer, and got on to the island. They were in an old shed, and were very short of food. Next day, Monday, the 5th February, the life-boat again went to the island, taking with her the Norwegian consul from Milford, a doctor, and the chief coastguard.

Twenty-seven of the steamer’s crew were brought back to Tenby by the life-boat, and, after having been given a hot meal, were sent to Swansea by the consul. Four men were left on the island, one of them being ill.

- Rewards : first launch, £9 10s. Expenses of second launch paid by Norwegian consul.