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April (1)

APRIL MEETING NORTH RONALDSHAY, ORKNEYS. On 3rd March, 1940, the Swedish vessel Lagaholm was attacked by German aeroplanes, and one of her boats, with thirteen of her crew, was seen off North Ronaldshay. A fresh westerly wind was blowing, with a rising sea. As the boat came abreast of Dennis Head, on the north side of the island, three men put off to her in a small boat, and found the men on board exhausted. One of the three men took the tiller of the Swedish boat, and the other two men in the small boat towed. In this way they brought in the Swedish boat and her thirteen men, and beached her.- Rewards, £1 10s.

WHITBY, YORKSHIRE. At about 12.20 in the afternoon of the 21st March, 1940, the coastguard reported that the local fishing coble Sarah was signalling for help about one mile E.N.E. of Whitby Piers. As the weather was fair, with a smooth sea, a coble, with a crew of three, put out instead of the life-boat. She found that the Sarah’s engine had broken down and she was drifting seawards.

She brought her into harbour.- Rewards, £1 10s., and 3s. for fuel used..