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A Ship

JUNE 18TH and 19TH. - ST. HELIER, JERSEY. During the afternoon of the 18th of June a ship had been reported to be on fire about eight miles to the south-south-west of St. Helier Harbour, but the life-boat couldfind nothing. It was thought to be a vessel taking part in the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from St. Malo, and possibly other vessels rescued the survivors.

The honorary secretary, coxswain and other members of the crew were away from the station, engaged in the work of the evacuation from St. Malo, and the bowman acted as coxswain.

On the morning of the 19th of June a local vessel which had gone to help in the evacuation from St.. Malo was long overdue. and the life-boat went, to look for her, but the missing vessel was brought in by a Belgian steamer.

A cheque amounting to £15 11s. 6d. for rewards for these two launches was sent, but it was returned by the Post Office, as the Germans had then occupied the Channel Islands. In 1945 a new cheque was sent, but the station was then able to pay out only £10 15s. 6d. of the rewards..