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The S.S. Vistula

OCT. 9TH. - AITH, SHETLANDS. Information was received through the coastguard at 1.45 P.M. that the S.S. Vistula, of Gothenburg Sweden, had been sunk by enemy action on the previous day twenty-five miles off Unst, that nine of her crew had been landed near Flugga Lighthouse from a boat, but that the captain and the seven remaining members of her crew were missing in another boat. A whole S.E. gale was blowing, with an extremely heavy sea and rain squalls.

The motor life-boat was launched at 2.25 P.M.

and went to the position given, seventy miles away. There she searched over a wide area, but without success. In the end she was recalled by wireless from North Unst Lighthouse which acted as shore radio station for the life-boat during this service. The lifeboat returned to her station at 4.30 P.M. on the following day, having been out for over twenty-six hours. - Rewards, £26 19s..