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The S.S. Kentwood (1)

DEC. 27TH. - RAMSGATE, AND WALMER, KENT. At 9 A.M. a message was received from the Ramsgate coastguard that the S.S. Kentwood, of London, was sink-ing rapidly in the north Downs, and that her captain was trying to beach her. The Ramsgate motor life-boat Prudential was launched at 9.9 A.M., but could not find the steamer, and returned to her station at 11 A.M.

Meanwhile, at 9.30 A.M., a message had been received at Walmer, from the Deal coastguard, that the steamer was sinking a mile east of the South Goodwin Light-vessel. A light N. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 9.45 A.M. the motor life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2) was launched, and found that the Kentwood had been run down by a Polish steamer. Her crew had abandoned her and were partly on board a trawler and partly in their own boats.

Twelve men of the crew of eighteen were taken on board the life-boat from the trawler and boats. Tugs then arrived and took the Kentwood in tow. By now her engine-room, stokehold and No. 2 hold were flooded but, with the life-boat escorting them, the tugs succeeded in getting the steamer to Sandown Bay and in beaching her there.

The life-boat then put the crew back on board her and returned to her station at 2.30 P.M. - Rewards : Ramsgate, £8 15s. 6d ; Walmer, property salvage case..