Advanced search

The S.S. Corea

DEC. 8TH. - CROMER, NORFOLK. At about 11 P.M. a heavy explosion was heard, and the No. 1 motor life-boat H. F. Bailey was launched at 11.20 P.M. A N.W. wind was blowing, with a moderate swell. The life-boat found the S.S. Corea, of Goole, two miles to the eastward. She had been mined, and had a very heavy list to port. Cries were heard from the starboard side and the life-boat found there five men clinging to the bridge of the steamer. She rescued them, and in doing so was damaged. The rescued men said that there were others in the water, and on the port side the life-boat found a man clinging to a piece of wreckage. She followed the drift of the wreckage, heard a whistle and rescued yet another man from a raft. The search went on until 1.15 A.M.

but no more survivors were found and the life-boat returned. In the swell the life-boat could not be taken up her slipway, so she landed the rescued men and in doing so she was again damaged. She remained at anchor until 7.30 A.M. when she was taken up the slipway into the house. - Rewards, £26 9s. 6d..