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The Minesweeper Mastiff and Spartel

NOV. 2 0 T H . - MARGATE, KENT. At 10.45 A.M. the coastguard reported that a minesweeper was sinking, as a result of enemy action, a mile east of the Tongue Light-vessel. The minesweeper was the Mastiff. Five minutes later the motor life-boat The Lord Southborough (Civil Service No. 1) was launched. Two men, on their own initiative, put out in the motor boat Golden Spray and followed the life-boat in case they should be wanted. A N.N.W. wind was blowing, and the sea was choppy. The life-boat arrived at the scene to find the boats of the minesweeper Spartel engaged in rescuing from a raft the last of the survivors of the Mastiff. She towed back to the Spartel one of her boats whichwas filled with men. Then, at the request of the commander of the Spartel, the life-boat took on board from her four men of the Mastiff who were injured, and escorted the Sprartel which was making for the Edinburgh Channel. On the way she fell in with the Golden Spray which, at her request, took over.