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The Cargo Passenger Liner Pegu

NOV. 24TH. - NEW BRIGHTON , CHESHIRE. At 10 P.M. the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board reported a vessel ashore on the revetment, inshore of Beta Buoy. A fresh N.N.W. wind was blowing, with a moderate sea and squalls of wind, rain and hail. The No. 1 motor life-boat William and Kate Johnston, left her moorings at, 10.25 P.M., and at 11.15 P.M. reached the cargo passenger liner Pegu, of Glasgow, a vessel of about 8,000 tons, with 103 people on board. She was listing badly. All onboard w e r e rescued by the life-boat, which then put three aboard the Board’s vessel, Salvor, and 100 on board the pilot boat J. H. Beazley. The life-boat then stood by the Pegu until morning, and at 7 A.M. twenty-three men were put back on the steamer and the lifeboat remained in attendance while efforts were made to refloat her. In the meantime, seventy-seven of the men, including fifty coolies, had been taken to Liverpool by the J. H. Beazley, and later the men on board the Pegu went back to the Salvor. The lifeboat returned to her moorings at 11.4,0 A.M.

on the morning of the 25th. Two days later the Pegu broke in two. - Rewards, £24 10s. 3d.