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NOV. 23RD. - TOBERMORY, ISLE OF MULL. At 12.15 A.M. a message was received from the customs officer that a ship’s boat had reached the Rhunagad Lighthouse with part of the crew of the Fleetwood t r a w l e r S u l b y , sunk by enemy action.

Several of them were in a serious condition from illness and exposure, and needed immediate attention, and the road leading to the lighthouse was so had that no motor car could be used to bring the men away. A westerly wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. At 12.50 A.M. the motor life-boat Sir Arthur Rose was launched, no other motor boat being available. She took with her a doctor. At the lighthouse she found seven men of the trawler, two in a state of collapse, but the remainder slowly recovering. The two men were too ill to he moved, but the other five were taken to Tobermory and the life-boat returned to her station at 3 A.M.- Rewards, £9 7s. 6d..