Services by Shore-Boats
DRUMMORE, WIGTOWNSHIRE. During the afternoon of the 14th November, 1938, the steamer Ben May sprang a leak and sank in East Tarbert Bay. Her crew of live took to the ship’s boat, and at the request of the coastguard, three men put out in a motor fishing boat and towed them into Drummore Harbour. - Rewards, £1 10s., and 3s. for fuel used.
ARKLOW, CO. WICKLOW. On the 28th November, 1938, five men while out in their fishing boat rendered help to the trawler Roaming, of Arklow. - Rewards, £2 10s., with £5 for loss of fishing, and 3s. 4d. for fuel used.
(For a full account, see Arklow “ Services of the Life-boats of the Institution during 1938,” Arklow, page 92 in Annual Report for 1938.).