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Services by Shore-Boats (6)

FRASERBURGH, ABERDEENSHIRE. At about 11.30 P.M on the 27th May, 1939, it was reported that the motor boat Peggy Lynn, of Peterhead, was lying one mile east of Cairnbulg, apparently-in need of help. The lifeboat’s motor mechanic and a fisherman went out to her help in the motor boat Jem. They found that the Peggy Lynn had anchored, owing to the strong flood tide and lack of fuel and towed her to Fraserburgh. - Rewards 15s., also 3s. for fuel used.

HASTINGS, SUSSEX. At about 4 P.M. on the 2nd June, 1939, the police told the coastguard that an oar was being waved from the small boat Anne which was about two miles out. A moderate N.E. breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea, and the tide was ebbing.

Two men put out in the motor pleasure boat Brittanica. They found that the small boat had a pleasure party of three on board and that the engine had broken down. They towed her to safety. - Rewards, 15s., also 1s. 6d. for fuel used.

WORTHING, SUSSEX. On the 3rd June, 1939, a small sailing dinghy capsized about one and a half miles out. A northerly offshore wind was blowing with a moderately rough sea. Mr. George Bashford, a boatman.

put off in a rowing boat and rescued the man from the dinghy. - Reward, letter of thanks from the Institution in addition to £5 from the rescued man.


At 9.45 A.M. on the 8th June, 1939, three men, who were at sea in a 35-foot motor fishing boat, went to the help of the motor fishing boat Blessing, of Seahouses, which had been disabled by a rope fouling her propeller, between the Knavestone and the Longstone, and towed her in. The sea was rough, with a southerly wind blowing. - Rewards, £2 5s..

also 4s. for fuel used.

SKINNINGROVE, YORKSHIRE. Between six and seven in the evening of the 9th June.

1939, a youth who was bathing off the west side of the jetty was caught by currents and carried out to sea. Herbert Hart, a local boatman, put off in a rowing boat, breaking an oar and losing a rowlock in his hurry, rescued the now unconscious youth and brought him ashore. Artificial respiration was applied by the police, but he did not revive. - Rewards, 5s. and 12s. 6d. for the broken oar and lost rowlock.


on Sunday the 11th June, 1939, the coastguard informed the life-boat station that a small boat had been reported to him in difficulties off No. R.6 buoy. The weather was fine with a choppy sea, fresh W.N.W.

breeze, and rising tide. Nothing could be seen of the small boat although there were yachts off the Burho Bank, but the lifeboat’s motor boarding boat put out, manned by Mr. W. W. Harris, the honorary secretary, the coxswain and the motor mechanic.

Nothing was found, or learned from the yachts, and the boarding boat returned after over an hour’s search. - Rewards, letter of thanks to Mr. W. W. Harris, and 7s. 6d. to the coxswain.

MARGATE, KENT. At about 12.15 P.M.

on the 15th June, 1939, with a fresh breeze blowing and a choppy sea, the crew of the motor pilot boat Naylands, while at sea, saw the motor fishing boat O.K. of Margate, with a crew of two, showing distress signals. She was about half a mile S.W. of the S.E.

Margate Buoy ; her trawl had fouled her propeller ; she was being blown away to sea. The Naylands towed her in. - Rewards, £2 5s., also 5s. for fuel used.

MABLETHORPE, LINCOLNSHIRE. During the afternoon of the 15th June, 1939, a woman lying on an inflated bed floated out to sea. A strong S.W. wind was blowing, with a rough sea. Two men put out in a motor boat and rescued her when she was a mile out. - Rewards, £1, also 4s. for fuel used and £2 towards the cost of engine repairs and loss of business.

LLANDUDNO, CAERNARVONSHIRE. Just before midnight on the 17th June, 1939,.