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Services by Shore-Boats (3)

BURRA ISLE, SHETLANDS. While out haddock fishing in a small open boat from Skeld three men were thrown into the sea when their boat was capsized by a squall. The accident happened at about 7.30 A.M. on the 18th March, 1939, when the boat was five miles from Scalloway. A strong northerly wind was blowing and the sea was rough. The capsize was seen from the 16-ton motor fishing boat Budding Rose, which at once made for the spot. With slight risk to themselves her crew of four rescued the endangered men who were clinging to their upturned boat and landed them near to their homes. The rescuers then made for Scalloway, picking up the small boat on the way. - Rewards, £2 10s., and 8s. 6d. for fuel used.