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Services by Shore-Boats (1)

BALLYCOTTON, CO. CORK. On the 2nd January, 1939, the crew of four of the motor trawler Yankee Girl were rescued by another fishing boat. - Rewards, £2 10s., with £3 for loss of fishing, and 2s. 6d. for fuel used, together with a letter of thanks to the owner of the boat.

(A full account of this service appears under Ballycotton in “ Accounts of Services by Life-boats,” page 15.)

DUNGENESS, KENT The motor fishing boat Little Dick, of Dungeness, had trouble with her engine at 1 P.M. on the 8th January, 1939, when about a mile off Lade coastguard station. A strong S.W. wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. Two men who were fishing near by went to her help and towed her to safety at moderate risk. They broke their bowsprit on landing. - Rewards, £1, with a grant of 7s. 6d. towards repairs to the bowsprit, and 1s. 6d. for fuel used.

TENBY, PEMBROKESHIRE. During the afternoon of the 18th January, 1939, the motor boat Stephen Harding, of Caldy, belonging to Caldy monastery, with three men on board, lost her propeller and shaft when about two and a half miles S.S.E. of Tenby, and drifted towards Quarry Point.

A light N.W. breeze was blowing, with a heavy swell. At the request of the station honorary secretary a fisherman put out in his motor boat and towed the Stephen Harding into harbour. - Rewards, 10s. and 3s. for fuel used.