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Santa Gata and Norwegian Tanker Realf

DEC. 1ST. - CROMER, NORFOLK, AND THE HUMBER, YORKSHIRE. Shortly after 7 P.M. a message was received from the coastguard that a vessel standing by two and a half miles north of the life-boat station wished to land a rescued crew. A westerly breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth.

At 7.13 P.M. the No. 1 motor life-boat H. F. Bailey was launched and found the Italian steamer Santa Gata, of Naples. The steamer had on board thirty-two men of the Norwegian tanker Realf, which had been sunk by enemy action, and two naval officers and eight naval ratings who had gone aboard when she was struck. The life-boat took them all off and landed them, returning to her station at 8.45 P.M.

The life-boat on the Humber was also launched, but her services were not needed.

- Rewards : Cromer, £26 9s. 6d. ; The Humber, permanent paid crew..