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Ida Bakke, and Oil Tanker British Influence

SEPT . 15TH. - COURTMACSHERRY HARBOUR, CO. CORK. A telephone message was received from the Superintendent of the Coast Life-Saving Service at about 6.30 A.M., asking that the life-boat should be sent out to meet the Norwegian motor vessel Ida Bakke, which had on board the crew of a steamer which had been sunk by enemy action. The motor life-boat Sarah Ward and William David Crosweller was launched in a calm sea at, 6.45 A.M. and went to the Old Head of Kinsale. There she took on board the crew of forty-two of the oil tanker British Influence, of London. She then returned to her station and landed them at Court-macsherry at 10 A.M. - Rewards, £4 10s. 0d.