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H.M. Trawler Sir John List

DEC. 21ST. - DONAGHADEE CO DOWN. At 8.20 P.M. the coastguard telephoned that the naval authorities had reported a vessel ashore at the South Briggs.

A light N.W. wind was blowing. There were patches of fog, and the sea was smooth. The motor life-boat Civil Service No. 5 was launched at 8.40 P . M . and found H.M. trawler Sir John Lister. The coxswain boarded the trawler, and at the captain’s request the life-boat ran out an anchor with about two hundred fathoms of wire cable to hold the trawler secure. The captain did not wish the life-boat to stand by, but arranged to recall her by signal if he needed further help. The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 10.25 P.M. Later the Sir John Lister was got off the rocks by tugs. The Flag Officer-in-charge at Belfast expressed his thanks for the services of the life-boat.- Rewards, £13 7s. 6d..