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H.M Trawler Rutlandshire


During the evening the signal station reported rockets east of Filey Brigg.

A N.N.W. wind was blowing, of gale force at times, with a very heavy sea. The motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albina Whitley was launched at 9.30 P.M., and for an hour found nothing. Then she saw a rocket to the N.E., and fourteen miles N.N.E. from Flamborough Head the life-boat, found H.M trawler Rutlandshire with her engine broken down. At the master’s request the life-boat fetched another trawler to tow him clear of the minefields, and passed a line between the two trawlers, but in the heavy seas it, parted twice. Another trawler came up, and with the help of the life-boat got the Rutlandshire in tow. After escorting the vessels for some miles the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 9.15 A.M. The captain of the Rutlandshire expressed his appreciationof the “brave and gallant efforts” of the life-boat crew - Property salvage case..